marathi bhagavad gitamarathi bhagwat kathabhakti shastri bhagavad gitabhakti shastri in marathishastri katha bhagwat in marath

The Bhagavad-Gita is rich, and psychological, beautiful, full of poetic power. The characters stand out in heroic grandeur, in the midst of a magnificent setting of martial valour. The figures of Arjuna, very human in despondency and doubt, and of Krishna, majestic, resolute, persuasive, are clear, living, of universal, and truth of all religions. bhagavad gita in marathi side, the Gita is full inspiration, of religious devotion, and of keenest insight into the heart of man. The conflict of motives that overwhelmed human action, the clinging of fetters of selfishness which check us in the path to the immortal, the slight evasions of the lurking whisperer in the heart of man: all are clearly seen and clearly revealed. Yet, as a whole, the claims of abstract thought are not forgotten; every stage of Indian philosophy, every shade of logic, metaphysics and psychology, is given its place; and many practical suggestions are put forward, touching the problems of Indian politics and history, hints as valid today also in our Western world of human affairs as they were three thousand years ago.The leading events of the great Mahabharata war are historical.

marathi bhagavad gitamarathi bhagwat kathabhakti shastri bhagavad gitabhakti shastri in marathishastri katha bhagwat in marath

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